Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
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dead malls
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(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   generational stuff transfer from the south
Tuesday, September 13 2016

This afternoon, a couple of young white guys arrived in a pickup truck towing a U-haul trailer. They were carrying mostly furniture from Gretchen's parents' house, and represented part of the downsizing and generational redistribution of their substantial accumulation of stuff, a process necessitated by their imminent move into an apartment in the Watergate. Among the things in this shipment were eight high-end upholstered dining room chairs (we'll see if they survive the cats), a desk, an office chair, a set of shelves, a detachable closet, a set of bedroom drawers dating to Gretchen's father's childhood in Louisville, Kentucky, a steel bird sculpture made partly from an old crosscut-saw blade, and at least one large carved African box. I was a little disappointed that the promised Craftsman table saw didn't appear to be in the load, but then it turned out that it was in the bed of truck towing the U-haul. The guys were great at bringing everything into the house and putting it where it needed to be, and I even felt a little bad about the Obama shirt I happened to be wearing at the time, since they didn't look or sound like Obama voters. (Amusingly, today Obama finally took ownership of the "Thanks, Obama" meme, usually said sarcastically about something negative, usually having nothing whatsoever to do with Obama or his policies. Reportedly, after listing his achievements at a rally, he concluded with "Thanks, Obama.")

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