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   tracking the dogs between chipmunk mines
Tuesday, September 20 2016

This evening after I'd fed him dinner, I encouraged Neville to come with me and Ramona on a poop walk. The idea is to get him to poop and piss outside as much as possible. He hasn't had a problem with the former biological function, though for several days in a row he's been pissing on either the bed we like to sleep in upstairs or a dog bed. Ramona and Neville soon started up a chipmunk mine at the base of a large tree a short distance down the Farm Road, and I snuck back home to just let them to have a self-directed adventure. This time, though, I could follow along remotely using the Whistle pet tracker. It updates every three minutes when the tracker is out of range of the base station beacon, so the tracking proceeds in jumps and the information isn't quite in real time. The dogs lingered for twenty minutes or so at the chipmunk mine where I'd left them and then seemed to be heading for home. But then they turned west and then spent a long time a short distance behind our uphill neighbors' house, evidently at a new (or reactivated) chipmunk mine. I decided to see if the map on my smartphone was accurate enough to actually find the dogs in the forest in a situation like this, so I went off to find them. Sure enough, as I approached the spot on the map indicating their location, I heard what sounded like the overturning of large flat rocks. As I crested a knoll, I found Neville and Ramona at the rotted remains of a bluestone boulder. Ramona was overturning loose sheets of it (as best she could given her lack of hands) while Neville stood by and watched. That's their typical dynamic. I thought maybe Neville should come home with me, since he'd been out and about awhile now, and it seemed (given his injuries) he should be resting. But he wouldn't come. Ramona and Neville didn't get back from that mine until after dark.

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