Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


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Like my brownhouse:
   even the lowest-information of low-information voters
Monday, October 2 2017
I awoke to a cryptic headline in the HuffingtonPost that immediately made me go to, as I don't appreciate clickbait when matters are dire. Someone with a bunch of guns had rented a room in the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Hotel in Las Vegas and opened fire with a series of functionally fully-automatic rifles on a crowd at a country music festival 400 meters away. Initially there were 50 reported dead, but of course that number climbed throughout the day; at least 400 people had been wounded. Since the shooter was apparently white, there was nothing to be gained by Trump making generalizations about the sort of person the shooter had been, so he didn't say anything too crazy. The only real political purchase from such an event is in advocating for more gun control, so of course that was the general response on the left. Normally the NRA would say something about how if only the people in the crowd had been armed themselves then they might've been able to take down the shooter, but in this case such a notion was absurd on its face to even the lowest-information of low-information voters, and so this was not said.
Despite a mild hangover from a little too much drinking alone last night, I had a reasonably productive day in the remote workplace. I fixed a few broken things, did a little research, and tested some payment APIs.
At some point I took yet another nice long hot bath, taking advantage of all the free hot water heated by the sun and collected in our hot water tank. Though at this time of year the sun is at a perfect angle for generating hot water in absurd quantities, the house is a bit cold from the cool nights and not-so-warm days. These days it's only really comfortable in the early afternoon when one lies on the asphalt in the parking area. That is one of the few dry, sunny places near the house, and the critters spend a fair amount of time there. Gretchen was out there today too in a chaise lounge (after I encouraged her to take advantage).

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