Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


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dead malls
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got that wrong

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Like my brownhouse:
   ephedra and kratom overlap
Wednesday, October 25 2017
Gretchen and Neville did a full shift at the bookstore today, which was important given how shorthanded the store has been of late due to medical emergencies beyond just the one Gretchen recently suffered. Meanwhile, my day was relatively relaxed (except when it wasn't), and I could cut out at around a little before 4:00pm to go to the Tibetan Center thrift store to return that monstrocity of a music keyboard I'd foolishly bought on Sunday. I felt a little bad taking it back, a feeling that wasn't dispensed by the "oh" uttered by the older woman working there today when I said I wasn't dropping it off but was instead returning it. She gave me my 40+ dollars back right out of the register. Sadly, there was nothing in the Thrift store for me today, though I was tempted by an old SLR film camera with a nice zoom lens (which could perhaps be attached to a webcam).
I'd been drinking ephedra tea earlier in the day, and later I switched to kratom. (Normally I wouldn't have both on the same day.) During a brief period when the two were overlapping in my system, I felt a bit of euphoria, though that eventually settled down to the work-a-day kratom feeling, which tends to make me feel a bit more social than usual, though it also makes me somewhat emotionally brittle.

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