Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   spotted adorably with raindrops
Sunday, October 29 2017
An increasingly warm rain fell for much of the day, though in the morning it was coming down lightly enough for me to take the dogs for a brief walk. It's essential to get Neville outside on rainy days if only to get him in the habit of pissing and pooping in the rain so as to break his habit of doing it in the basement (where all the doors are now closed). There have been good signs in this direction, such as a poop recently found just outside the front door.
Gretchen had headed off to her shift at the bookstore before I could walk the dogs, so I took Neville to the bookstore a little after 3:00pm after watching some more Mr. Robot and drinking kratom tea.
It was raining fairly hard by the time I got Neville to Woodstock, and his fur was spotted adorably with raindrops when I dropped him off with Gretchen. Ramona and I dropped by the Tibetan Center thrift store on the way back home of course, and I found things I wanted there: an HDMI cable (which would be $20 at Staples), a green dog collar, and an ugly Kodak EasyShare C160 digital camera, all for a little over $4. That camera has a 3x optical zoom and a 9.2 megapixel sensor (the second-most of any of my cameras) and can save images to standard SD cards, and if it weren't for its proprietary USB connector, it would be a perfect candidate for an automated set-and-forget high-detail stop action camera (this would require a few hardware hacks).

This evening, Gretchen and I watched the first two episodes of the first season of Stranger Things, which appears to be a supernatural thriller set in the musty poorly-decorated hellscape of the early 1980s. The 80sisms are entertaining in the same way that 60sisms were entertaining in Mad Men, though the language used in Stranger Things seems incompletely-researched. The characters kept tossing around "douchebag" and "douche" as insults, though I don't recall them being used that way back then. (I do remember being familiar with the term in 1983, though, because I remember seeing it as a French translation when I was in the hospital in 1983 for the intestinal problems I had that year.)

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