Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
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dead malls
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got that wrong

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Backwoods Home
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(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   mystery horn
Tuesday, March 6 2018
While Gretchen was off being a lady who lunches (technically, the thing she did this afternoon was attend a performance of works by early 20th-Century composers at Bard with one lady, though later there was a meal with another lady), I put in my usual Tuesday workday. Periodically in such a day, there are distractions from within my home, and today (being a Tuesday) was no exception. At some point I heard a momentary fight break out between the dogs, which is never a good thing when one has a preference for rescued pit bulls. I went downstairs to find Neville in the sun-drenched dog bed in front of the east sliding doors at the south end of the house. Standing nearby was a bewildered Ramona, who had the sense to be keeping her distance. I knew there must be some object that Neville was guarding, and sure enough there was. It was a sawed-off cow horn. I'd never actually seen such a thing detached from a cow's head (except, perhaps, in craft items). Where had it come from? The most likely source was our downhill neighbor, the overweight retired butcher (with a fondness for cigars!) who must, at this point, be pushing 90.
I lured Ramona up to the laboratory with the promise of dog treats, and soon thereafter Neville lost interest in the horn, at least for a time. Later in the day, she chewed on it without the prior attachments, which reflected a level of material detachment of which I thought him incapable. But it took Ramona to effectively attack it, filling the teevee room couch with dozens of keratin splinters from which a gamey smell wafted.

After many attempts to install an OS on an SSD for the second Elitebook 2740p (using, as the source, Hyrax, the original Elitebook 2740p), I realized today that the problem was actually Hyrax's SSD. The error messages on all the free partition copiers I've been using (including those by EaseUS) are poorly translated out of non-English languages and do not make it clear whether the problems they encounter are on the source or destination disks. It's natural to assume a problem when using this software is with the new, unknown disk, not the one that has been performing (mostly) flawlessly for years. The solution to my problem was to run chkdsk on Hyrax's SSD, but at the rate it was going, it looked likely to take days if not weeks.

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