Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
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dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

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Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

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(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   third nor'easter of March, 2018
Tuesday, March 13 2018
For the third time in as many weeks, there was yet another nor'easter today, though it had technically begun well before midnight last night while Gretchen was still up in Hudson. The flakes had been big and falling quickly then, and I'd been concerned that perhaps Gretchen was in some windowless room unaware of the danger. She was indeed in a windowless room watching a movie, but my Chicken Little concern hadn't been necessary, as the snow never actually stuck to the roads. By the time it ended today, it had accumulated at most a couple inches atop the earlier snow (from the nor'easter last week that the late Janet had found so delightful). My colleague in Boston reported that the snow had been more like a foot there, where they're still recovering from downed trees resulting from the gale-force windws of two nor'easters ago.
This evening I took 200 milligrams of diphenhydramine to ensure a solid night of sleeping intercut with potentially interesting dreams. Before the drugs dragged me off to sleep, I did a quick check of the results coming from a special election being held in a congressional district in Western Pennsylvania algorithmically concocted (that is, gerrymandered) to only produce Republicans. Though the polls had already been closed for hours, the race was still considered too close to call. [Ultimate the Democrat would be projected to win, but only by a little more than 600 votes.]
In other news, wearing rubber boots for hours on our Paramus adventure seems to have resulted in my first case of athlete's foot in months. I only ever get it in the two gaps between the three smallest toes on each foot. But in recent years I've been careful to keep my feet out of shoes or at least out of footwear that provides poor air circulation. Had I known how much time we'd be spending on the Paramus trip, I probably would've stuck with socks & Keens and just been more careful to avoid stepping in snow.

I took a number of pictures today in the laboratory:

Oscar (the fluffy orange guy) and Celeste have been cuddling a bit more since Janet died; Oscar had transitioned to mostly cuddling with Janet, while Celeste had spent more time playing with Janet and less time cuddling with anyone. With Janet gone, Celeste seems bored much of the time. Click to enlarge.

Here, though, Celeste and Oscar were doing a little cuddle-playing.

And then Clarence jumped up on my desk and made it impossible to work. Partly because he's still growing in fur lost in from that mange-like condition he had back in December, he looks like an old cat in this photograph. But he's still spry and does all the same stuff he's always done. He'll be turning 15 in the next few months. Click to enlarge.

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