September 1997 01: how Altavista improved my love life
- A sixteen year old girl visits me and we have a brief but intense afternoon together.
02: Frat Boy Machine: the components
- I'm building a machine to make Frat Boys out of regular folks. Here's the basic parts list.
03: Frat Boy Machine: assembly
- Making the thing look high-tech by spray painting it silver, I inhale far too many fumes.
04: Frat Boy Machine: details
- Skinheads complain to Comet, devastation at Kappa Mutha Fucka, and attention to details on the Frat Boy Machine.
05: Frat Boy Machine: a demonstration
- The Machine works perfectly, and I encounter a little actual violence with skinheads on the Downtown Mall of Charlottesville.
06: half pre-anthropoid
- With a sprained thumb on my left hand, I know how non-ape primates must feel. Also, some gut-wrenching sexual politics.
07: trip to the Tidewater
- Kappa Mutha Fucka, Natalie and Sarah go on a road trip to Williamsburg and Virginia Beach.
08: what the sexes are for
- Why people like to watch the X Files.
09: friends for his morphine
- CJ abandons his friends at the hospital when it turns out that all they really want from him are his prescription medicines.
10: infuriatingly pastel
- I miss the chance to be Charlottesville's Michelangelo.
11: retro-glamsters
- Some day you Warrant fans can claim you're old school. Also, a Carolyn Burke glossary, thoughts about feelings, and the way ugly girls smell.
12: Friday night excitement, in my dreams
- I forego the adventures of my friends and instead experience peculiar entertainment in my dreams.
13: news of a British felon
- Rory is in jail for felony hit and run. Also, I attend a Yellow Journal party at his house.
14: amputated internet
- For a few hours, I find myself completely cut off from a major new organ of my body.
15: sadness comes in threes
- We bail out Rory, but his spirit is broken. Matthew and Leah announce they are going different ways.
16: it's a Virgo!
- Peggy delivers the Baboose and I get a little media attention.
17: apples and ant lions
- We visit the new baby up on Carter's Mountain and drink a lot of alcohol.
18: treachery two
- Rory is caught in bed with Leah, deepening Matthew's misery. Also, a very strange dream of a wired future, and lots of news and gossip from Jessika.
19: dissecting betrayal
- I discuss Rory's behaviour with several people, including Jessika, Matthew and even Rory himself, and members of my house go visit the local fraternity.
20: hangover mental condition
- I lose higher-level powers of concentration.
21: the hit and run contingent
- Rory, Leah and Ocean have been welded together into a clique by the stress of the recent hit and run incident.
22: nothing happened
- A certain satisfaction despite the emptiness of the experience.
23: Primitive Beat
- Scotch drinking among the aquarii, and I read about those smelly Beat dudes.
24: to read, save and be desired
- On environmental radicals, my father, teaching your kids to read, and the value of affirmation.
25: bottle of special magic
- A bottle of tequila, a new computer for Matthew, and a new mailing list for me.
26: spy in our midst
- On another drunken night, Angela's boyfriend hangs out with us to spy on the Matthew-Angela situation.
27: disowned on our front porch
- Angela's mother critiques her daughter's new friends. Also, we hang out with a molecular biologist.
28: the dry white spirit of tussin
- We experiment with powdered Dextromethorphan.
29: those clunky noises
- There wasn't much to talk about as I swatted at evil grey and white Tiger Mosquitos. Matthew and Angela did little errands, such as up to his room.
30: spam skirmish, sex weapon
- While spammers roam free, they will face enemies like me. Also, what's wrong with the uses I see made of sex.