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Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


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Like my brownhouse:
   Sally's big break
Monday, March 18 2002
Without delay, check out the Six Feet Under homepage and ask yourself if you've seen that dog before. Yes, folks, using sophisticated tactics and subterfuge I've hacked the Six Feet Under website and made Sally a star! (If you don't believe me, see this photoshoot.)

Okay, so it was more of a sociological hack than something requiring elite h4xor skills. My technique was simply a lesser form of the same one Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts use to dominate mainstream Hollywood motion pictures: I know the right people. In this case, I happen to know the producer of the Six Feet Under website. But that doesn't make Gretchen or me any less proud of our little Sally. All day today we were beaming with pride and bragging about our daughter's accomplishment. The depressing thing about it is that she's already had more exposure in this one event than most human beings achieve in an entire lifetime (assuming people actually visit the websites of wildly popular HBO shows).

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