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   chat, do as I direct
Sunday, March 31 2002

For the past couple of days, I've been adding support in my chat client for the acceptance of commands from the backend. For example, if the backend wants to tell the chat to play a certain MP3 or change its background color to red, I want it to be able to do that. As I ponder the possibilities, I can imagine a system that supports a simple programming language allowing me to send little multimedia programs to clients on the fly. At a certain point, the chat becomes something of a multimedia broadcasting system, allowing an administrator (or, perhaps more appropriately, a "chat jockey") to hurl various multimedia experiences at an audience while they chat with one another. Given the correct permissions model, chatters themselves could make their own multimedia contributions to the experience. Properly developed, it could become a whole new form of communication.
In the meantime, what I have so far is a system allowing an administrator to completely change the client's color scheme on the fly using a simple command-line syntax. The administrator can do a number of other things as well, such as closing the chat and turning everyone's sound either on or off.

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