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Like my brownhouse:
   key hostage situation and Passover both end
Thursday, April 4 2002

Gretchen got her keys back from our psychotic neighbor Jane today. As predicted, they came in an envelope with a long, rambling hand-written letter telling Gretchen that she should consider herself lucky to be getting her keys back at all, what with the lies she has spread throughout the co-op. Reading the letter, one initially gets the impression that Gretchen is the person whom Jane hates most in the co-op. But then Jane goes on to lump Gretchen in with a list of nearly everyone in the co-op at the time Jane was expelled as co-op secretary.
Evidently the reason for the delay in Gretchen getting her keys back was the time it took for Jane to compose, write, and re-write this handwritten note, which I have scanned and will now include for your amusement. (Click for bigger images.)

Note the threatening tone at the end there. Imagine living in the same building as the person who would write a letter like this!

In the evening Gretchen and I broke Passover at Tutta Pasta in Park Slope. When it comes to breaking Passover, I really go overboard; tonight I ordered the clam linguini.

Later we met Ray and Nancy at the Second Street Café for desserts and big glasses of port. I was so intrigued by a pamphlet for a "Liver Walk" (sponsored by the National Liver Association) that I brought it back to our table to peruse. Something about the word "liver" makes me think more about disgusting food choices than people's transplant problems.

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