Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   shameless, noshless wooing
Friday, April 5 2002

This evening Gretchen and I were invited up to Ernie's fourth floor apartment for some sort of purportedly social occasion, and given recent run-ins with with two other co-op neighbors, we thought it politically prudent to show up, if only briefly. Besides, we wanted to show him the psychotic letter Jane had included with the hostage keys she'd returned.
At around 6:30, we climbed the stairs to Ernie's apartment, our little dog Sally racing ahead of us as usual. Ernie was alone with his baby daughter, dog, and cat; his wife was elsewhere. Nothing had really been prepared for our visit; there was a solitary Rolling Rock in the fridge and a cold bottle of white wine. Most disappointingly (for Gretchen, at least) was the complete absence of any noshes. This confirmed her suspicions that Ernie is, first and foremost, a WASP. Gretchen has been formulating a comparative theory relating WASPs to Jews, and most of the details of this theory relate to food and alcohol.

Item Jews WASPs
dinners food in great excess, wine martinis, wine, beer, tiny portions of food
casual gatherings plenty of noshes, wine, beer martinis and perhaps beer, no food at all
musical entertainment classical none
problems a wide variety of neuroses alcoholism
conversational style confrontational cool detachment
typical examples the Costanza Family, Seinfeld (I know, they make like they're Italian Catholic.) the Fisher family, Six Feet Under

(Note: this chart was compiled without any input from Gretchen. Also - please refrain from writing me "Don't you think this is a bit of a generalization?" emails.)

We did all have a good chuckle over Jane's crazy letter, which Ernie took the time to read aloud.
Ernie moved the conversation along to the topic of other crazies in the co-op. Ultimately, he said, it was May that he feared the most. For those of you who have already forgotten about May, she's the woman with the job of co-op housekeeper who, in a fit of co-op bylaw enforcement, unplugged all the network equipment in my basement batcave. Evidently May has been on something of a bender of unpleasantness. When new co-op member Susan decided to move her stuff into a storage area beneath the basement stairs, May retained a lawyer to find out whether or not this was in keeping with the bylaws - and then had the lawyer bill the co-op for his $250 expenses. Then, when forced to move her shit back to its original basement location, she hired a locksmith to cut a bike loose because it was purportedly in her way. In a gross act of locksmith malpractice, this locksmith cut through the bike, not the lock, and charged $70, a bill which May forwarded to the co-op.
Because he is co-op treasurer, all this bullshit is ending up in Ernie's lap, and it's got him frustrated and overwhelmed. "I didn't even want the job, but I was the only [qualified person] who came to the co-op meeting," he said.
It soon became clear that the only reason Ernie had invited us over was that he wanted to lobby for support to make the treasurer position a paid job, just like May's housekeeping position. To do this, he exaggerated his workload while playing down the tasks that earn May $150 per month. "People don't send me their checks and I have to go around knocking on doors," he pleaded. This reminded me that I'd yet to write our co-op dues check for April.
Possibly the worst thing anyone can do to Gretchen is act friendly as a transparent means to extract something specific. As soon as we returned to our apartment, Gretchen turned to me and said, "I hate him!"

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