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   pædophilia: the way to sell sugar water
Sunday, April 21 2002

I wonder if it's even possible to sell Pepsi without making some allusion to pædophilia. Consider the facts:

Item: In the 1980s, Pepsi's chief celebrity promoter was Michæl Jackson, a man who, despite his many talents, generally sleeps with children in preference to adults.
Item: In the early part of the new millennium, Pepsi ran a series of commercials in which defeated presidential contender Bob Dole (already experiencing something of a second act promoting the virility drug Viagra) is shown leering at a barely-legal (if that) Britney Spears, a young popstar who, as a teenager, won her fame mostly by appealing to the prurient interests of older men. Spears continues to be the principle spokeswoman for Pepsi in a campaign whose slogan is "For Those Who Think Young." There's thinking young and then there's thinking age-appropriate.
Item: Now there's a television ad showing two young boys staring longingly at a hot chick as she approaches her SUV. Inside this SUV we are shown two even younger children. Sure, we're supposed to believe that the kids are actually longing for a Pepsi, but that's really just the twist at the end. Indeed, the song that's playing throughout the ad is Linda Rondstadt's version of "Just One Look."

Could it really be that the only way to get a carbonated sugar-water beverage to stand out is to have our minds directed to thoughts of sex with children? Is it any wonder that respected religious leaders are not above occasionally ass-raping children even while our culture officially denies that children have sexuality.

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