Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


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Like my brownhouse:
   caffeine free day one
Tuesday, February 10 2004
Early this afternoon, I left the house for the first time since my esophageal problems began. I had to drive out to a client's house to pick up his Macintosh laptop. It was a beautiful sunny day with temperatures in the forties, so I brought the dogs with me. On the way home we stopped off at Fording Place on Esopus Creek. Sally ventured way on the frozen surface of one the large pools in the Esopus, and I was a somewhat concerned she might break through.

I was outside going to the truck for some reason today and I heard a puzzling rumble - it sounded like a helicopter, but the pup-pup-pup sounds were at a much higher frequency, closer to the those of a spinning lawn mower blade. Then I saw it, the helicopter, coming straight overhead from due north. It was the first helicopter I have ever seen that was painted entirely glossy black. I'd always thought black helicopters were a right-wing conspiracy-theorist fiction, like the Trilateral Commission and UFO abductions, but what can I say, I actually saw one of these things!

At some point today I actually went through the bother of downloading the Janet Jackson tittie-flash .mpg using the best tool for such dirty jobs, KaZaA Lite. Then I watched it, as everyone else does, on a tight loop whose audio track went something like this:

Oooh-ai! Better have you nekkid by the end of this song!
Oooh-ai! Better have you nekkid by the end of this song!
Oooh-ai! Better have you nekkid by the end of this song!
Oooh-ai! Better have you nekkid by the end of this song!
Oooh-ai! Better have you nekkid by the end of this song!
Oooh-ai! Better have you nekkid by the end of this song!
Oooh-ai! Better have you nekkid by the end of this song!
Oooh-ai! Better have you nekkid by the end of this song!

This morning I'd decided to quit drinking caffeine cold turkey for awhile and see if my esopheagal issues would improve. I'd quit caffeine once before for a whole month (I think it was some September, perhaps the one in 1993), but back then I was drinking nowhere near as much caffeine as I drink these days. By deciding not to drink caffeine, I was cutting out my morning pot of coffee (which I drink entirely by myself) as well as six or eight cups of Red Rose tea.
The inevitable headaches from caffeine withdrawal began in the afternoon and grew steadily worse into the evening. Interestingly, the more my head hurt, the less I noticed anything wrong with my gastrointestinal system. After awhile it felt as if I had nails driven into my head just in front and above both temples. At first I thought I'd be able to tough it out, but eventually I ate some sort of painkilling medication and then went to lie down in bed to await the relief.

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