Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


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Like my brownhouse:
   car roof gone
Tuesday, May 6 2008
With a house as large as the one Gretchen and I share, there is an ongoing bullet list of issues that need to be addressed. This list is entirely my responsibility; Gretchen rarely even notices troublesome house issues and she wouldn't know how to deal with them even if she did. Many of these issues are essentially cosmetic, but that doesn't mean they don't eat at me. The most nagging of these are in the upstairs bedroom, where I usually sleep. Nothing keeps household repair issues in your mind quite like staring at them for a half hour every morning. Today I dealt with a paint issue in the bedroom window's trim using the same glossy white paint I needed for four other nagging issues. With small paint job, it's best to have numerous jobs requiring the same color to do at once. Most of my painting jobs require several coats, so I can paint each job in turn and then, when I'm finished with the last, I can revisit the first and repeat the process.

This evening I used the reciprocating saw to cut off the roof of the gutted hatchback. This required sawing through the six pillars that connected it to the rest of the car. It was a surprisingly easy job, taking no more than ten minutes. And when I was done, I just lifted away the roof and suddenly there was that much less of the car. Slowly but surely, the car is evaporating away.

The hatchback before I removed the roof.

The hatchback without the roof.

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