Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   triage end of the gallery hanging
Friday, May 23 2008
I was sent on a mission late this morning to pick up two items, both of them substitutes for conventional ingredients. One of these was a "mozzarella-style" rice cheese, which is a close enough non-dairy analogue to actual cheese that it permits Gretchen to make delicious Friday night pizza without violating her oath of veganism. (It's not technically vegan, since it contains casein, a milk protein, though at this early stage of Gretchen's veganism it is close enough.)
The other ingredient was spelt flour for the making of coffee cake; a friend would be coming over this afternoon who happened to be allergic to wheat flour. So there I was at Adams Fairacre Farm trying to find these things. I ended up having to ask for both. I hate asking for stuff, but it would have been far worse to lie to Gretchen and say that Adams had run out of these two ingredients (I've lied about such things in the past, and Gretchen always saw right through it).
Deborah, the friend who came over this afternoon, is actually the curator of an art gallery in Kingston, and Gretchen and her have been collaborating for several months on a program to get working people to take photographs and then caption them. Today Deborah and Gretchen went over the photos to decide which ones would go in the upcoming gallery show. They kept me around to pass judgment on photos as well. I'd never been on the triage end of the gallery hanging process.

This evening Penny and David came over for pizza and beer and the usual good times were had by all. In the past week, Penny had been fired from her job as a graphic designer for a respected publication by her new boss, an alcoholic with delusions of significance. Penny's firing had been part of a shakeup designed to, well, achieve something significant. What had been amusing about this particular firing was that Penny had known it was coming weeks in advance. Awhile back she'd gone into a coffee shop near her workplace and happened upon her new boss interviewing someone who was clearly a graphic designer (his back was turned to her at the time). So she'd snuck out and called David and had him come to spy on their conversation. This hadn't prove difficult. David later reported that Penny's boss had referred to her designs as "shit." Now Penny has lots of free time and will be spending much of it upstate.

The pieces of the gutted hatchback, in a discrete array.

The pizza Gretchen baked tonight, as it appeared just before being devoured.

Deep blue light behind the catfood table in the dining room (looking east at a little after sunset).

Penny and David tonight. [REDACTED]

Penny, David, and Gretchen. Various dogs are visible as well: Eleanor in the foreground and Sally in the background.

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