Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


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Like my brownhouse:
   taste aftercheese
Friday, May 30 2008
This morning I was working on my woodshed stone stepway project when Gretchen suggested I go shopping for the supplies necessary for tonight's pizza and beer, which would be attended by four guests, all of them strict vegans. (By strict, I mean that they will not eat fake cheese containing casein, a veganism sin that Gretchen is still willing to tolerate in her own dietary behavior.)
Several weeks ago Gretchen had taken delivery of a tube of "Teese" an acceptable-to-vegans variety of mozzarella "cheese." Unfortunately, we'd tasted it and found it had a strangely chemically aftertaste. But without an alternative, that was the cheese Gretchen would have to be using. I figured that with all the other toppings, the chemical aftertaste would be drowned out.
The pizzas sure looked nice, although, I have to say the Teese melted so much that it looked like a layer of cream, having partially mixed with the tomato sauce. And the aftertaste was still there. I won't say I choked my slice down, since I actually went and had a second. But it was almost that bad. Normally when I'm eating Gretchen's pizzas, I eat right up to the border of socially unacceptable. As for the vegans, they loved it. But they'd been cut off from the world of aftertaste-free cheese for so long, they were hardly qualified to serve as judges. (I will say this about the vegans: unlike most of our friends, they like to drink.)
We'd been eating out on the south deck, and as the evening darkened I raised a warning that if we were going to walk in the forest, we should do so now. Before long we were headed down the Stick Trail. Our contingent consisted of six Homo sapiens and five Canis familiaris. Unfortunately for this compassionate crowd, we soon stumbled upon one of the two headless deer fawns, which hadn't changed much in the past several days. From there, we didn't get far before rapidly-descending darkness forced us back.

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