more on pileated woodpecker gender roles Thursday, June 13 2019
At work today, I managed to record several long and interesting clips of the baby pileated woodpecker interacting with its parents. Today I watched both the male and female removing waste from the nest, suggesting gender roles are somewhat different among parent pileated woodpeckers than I'd initially thought. It's clear that the female does most of the feeding, both remove waste, and the male likes to hang out for extender periods in the entrance hole, just looking out at the world, This evening he did this for a good half hour at least, and was still doing it in the last grainy images I could make out in the fading light of dusk.
While listening to the rest of the Dirty John Podcast, I painted an imaginary landscape on a small black canvas. This was all it took to magically earn the right to drink. As I drank, I experimented with a Raspberry Pi's serial port so unsuccessfully that I wondered if perhaps I'd ssh'd into a different one from the one I was trying to send serial data to in the real world.

today's painting

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