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Like my brownhouse:
   like Christmas carols on Boxing Day
Wednesday, July 5 2023

location: 800 feet west of Woodworth Lake, Fulton County, NY

I woke up fairly late (at least by my standards), rolling out of bed just before 8:00am. I would be working remotely today, but, since we were between sprints, there wasn't really much to do except attend meetings like the sprint review and the always-fun sprint retrospective.

I've been enjoying taking little breaks in my day to go into the building site northwest of the cabin to look at the state of the plants trying to establish themselves. Many more of the tall (now seven-foot-tall) sweet clover has started to flower. But unlike the earlier-flowering sweet clovers that had yellow flowers, these are all producing white flowers. The plants seem to get very weak soon after they flower, and then the winds of a storm just blow them down.
I don't see much wildlife around the cabin except for a few birds (phoebes, hummingbirds, chickadees, bluejays, various woodpeckers, and hawks). But today I saw a mammal I hadn't seen in this area: a smallish woodchuck at the northeast fringe of the cabin's building site eating a leaf from a weed. Hopefully he won't discover our garden, at least not for awhile. The deer have been nibbling some of the plants of our building site, but they never come into our cabin's front yard (where our garden is), and they seem to prefer the queen anne's lace above all else.

Initially it was sunny, but by mid-afternoon a thunderstorm was blowing through, and there were intermittant rains from mostly overcast skies for the rest of the day. The weather prevented me from going to the dock or doing any outdoor tasks, though at some point I walked out to Woodworth Lake Road and back. On the way, I checked in on the "little slice of heaven" belonging to Shane, our nearest neighbor. Nothing had changed in his grim little building site, which he tore into the forest with great fanfare in the fall of 2021. All he has is the little circle of stones where one can theoretically burn things and a single camp chair. That's right, he still only has seating for one person at his fire pit. There's also a cheap all-plastic kayak and, for some reason, a single battery for a Dewalt tool. To keep track of whether or not Shane ever returns sometime when we're mot at the cabin, I put a line of three gravel stones on the seat of his lonely camp chair.
As I walked past Ibrahim's A-frame, I could hear kids, meaning he was staying up here past July 4th, after most everyone else (except me) had left.
Eventually I ate some cannabis (I'm down to the dregs of a jar I've had at the cabin for months) and it gave me a mild buzz eventually.

Fortunately, there were no fireworks launched tonight. Evidently fireworks on July 5th are like Christmas carols on Boxing Day.

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