Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


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Like my brownhouse:
   flattened turtle in the road
Monday, July 10 2023

location: rural Hurley Township, Ulster County, NY

Apparently the rain in the Hudson Valley was such a big news story this morning that Gretchen was messaged by her parents and her ex-girlfriend Barbara asking if she was safe. Of course, we live near the tops of mountains (both in Hurley and at the cabin in the Adirondacks), so flooding is never much of a danger to us unless we leave our home(s). And this time most of the problems with flooding in the Hudson Valley were down closer to New York City.
All the rain has made water-loving creatures common even in the highlands, such as near our house. I strolled out into the driveway, causing a couple frogs to leap into a large puddle. And then I noticed a flattened painted turtle in the road at the end of our driveway. I didn't want to have to look at that poor little guy (whose corpse was now attracting flies), so I used a small piece of bluestone as a spatula to flick his remains over into the ditch across the road.
Later it was hot enough in the laboratory for me to run the air conditioner. Initially I had trouble finding the remote to control it, leading me to suspect one of our house sitters (or friends) had hidden it or put it in an unusual place. I did indeed find it in an unusual place (just inside the laboratory from the teevee room), but, again, I can't rule out my having put it there.
All the little mysteries of our house sitters led me to check the images captured by a trailcam I'd set up in the laboratory. It captured several young white people: a young man and as many as three different young women (including the one we'd paid to be a house sitter). It caught one of them sitting on the bean bag or trying to pet Oscar the Cat, and that was pretty much it. It's not like they'd been doing anything we'd forbidden, and we'd specifically told that house sitter that she could have friends over. As for Powerful and his delinquent girlfriend, there were no photos of them on the trailcam whatsoever.

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