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Like my brownhouse:
   gas lines in the soil
Friday, July 28 2023

location: 800 feet west of Woodworth Lake, Fulton County, NY

This morning, I drank a little coffee and then fairly quickly took advantage of the nice weather to resume work at my digging project at the west end of the north wall. For that last slot along the north foundation for a four by eight foot sheet of two inch styrofoam, I was now contending with buried gas lines running to the generator. I was able to find a thick grey line easily without damaging it, but then I thought I was done and wasn't looking out for the yellow plastic-jacketed copper line carrying the actual gas (the grey lines is a "return line"). I managed to nick its plastic jacket with the blade of a shovel, but the underlying copper looked good. After that I was careful about both lines in the soil. I'd pick around the lines gently using a garden trowel, and only use the bigger tools for soil (especially deep soil) where I was now sure there were no lines.
Late this afternoon, I managed to get Neville (but not Ramona) to go with me down to the dock, where I did my usual float-and-drink routine.
Early this evening, I ate an edible containing enough THC to get pretty stoned. I was a little worried going in that my jobless status might be weighing on me enough to result in a bad cannabis experience, but this didn't happen.
At some point I baked a frozen pizza (one I'd covered with slices of mushroom) in the oven.

Clouds over the lake today. Click to enlarge.

Looking back at the shore from the dock. Those are our two kayaks. Click to enlarge.

Neville on the plankway out to the floating dock

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