Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


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Like my brownhouse:
   ditch to the southeast corner
Saturday, July 15 2023

location: 800 feet west of Woodworth Lake, Fulton County, NY

After the usual Saturday morning routine, Gretchen went down to the lake and I continued with the styrofoam installation project. It didn't take me long to dig out enough of the ditch to install yet another sheet of styrofoam, leaving me only one sheet (four feet) away from the cabin's southeast corner. I celebrated by taking another Old Rasputin Russian Imperial Stout down to the dock, where Gretchen was still doing her thing. There was a lot of ATV noises coming from Pyotr's corner of the dock, which served only to disturb the calm. We wondered what possible need could there be for running an ATV back and forth nearly constantly. In any case, I allowed the currents to carry me slowly into the outflow bay, where (along the way) I scared up a great blue heron. I then walked back along the lakeside trail to the dock, causing Neville to run out to confront me as I approached (in case I turned out to be a tyrannosaur).
Back at the cabin, I managed to dig out enough additional sand at the south end of the east wall to install the last sheet of styrofoam on that wall. Gretchen showed up as I was applying the last of the spray foam to cast aspersions on the repetitiveness of the music played by the retard rock station, and I agreed, though I said there wasn't much I could do about it. As he helped hold a piece of styrofoam in place while I used propped sticks to support it, she commented that the ditch looked like something from World War I. I happened to notice as I was cleaning off that I'd managed to get a little sunburnt on my belly and chest while on the inner tube in the lake. The sun had been shining though clouds, but that doesn't block the ultraviolet as much as one might hope.
Later we went on a canoe ride in most of the lake, including the outflow bay and the vicinity of the lake's largest tributary (on its east bank). Meanwhile we could hear an older crowd at Pyotr's place. They sounded like they were drinking beers and laughing around a campfire.

Ramona and Neville on the dock today. Click to enlarge.

Gretchen swimming naked some distance out from the dock. Click to enlarge.

The ditch along the east wall with all its styrofoam, seen from the southeast corner of the cabin Click to enlarge.

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