Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   a neuter bihuman
Monday, November 24 1997
    He reportedly wished to live at the bottom of a pit and have food, paper and pens lowered down to him and his excrement and completed manuscripts lifted back up.

    eandering into and out of sleep, I finally awoke and did some stuff on my computer. A lot of wasted motion has been eliminated by having a sufficiently fast computer in my room. No longer do I have to truck through the cold down to UVA to get online. No longer do I have to reconfigure a machine from the ground up to make is useable. I'm living a modern version of the ideal life of Franz Kafka. He reportedly wished to live at the bottom of a pit and have food, paper and pens lowered down to him and his excrement and completed manuscripts lifted back up.


    atthew Hart and Angela were heading out the door on some sort of errand, so I caught a ride with them to the Downtown Mall. This was partly to touch bases with people from whom I'd like to collect rent and utility money at the end of the month. As you know, I'm not pleased by the fact that they appear to have trashed and then abandoned my house. But they haven't completely dicked me over yet. I say "they" since they're really just one big Cadillac-driving window-breaking beer-slurping sexless person, you see.

    The bihuman and the gutter punks also trashed a hotel room and was charged an extra hundred dollars.
    On the way to the Mall, I asked this bihuman about its trip to New Orleans. It said it had hung out with Morgan Anarchy and the other gutter punks who are living down there for the summer. The bihuman and the gutter punks also trashed a hotel room and was charged an extra hundred dollars. Nothing changes. What the hell is wrong with it?


      had an appointment with Jenfariello to do some "consulting work" on an advertising campaign for Root 66 rootbeer, a locally concocted beverage. I spent considerable time on Jen's Macintosh doing various things, but the Internet wasn't cooperating. I eventually gave up on my desire to download GIFbuilder.

    Meanwhile Jen and two other girls were sitting around laminating little photographs to make magnets to sell as Christmas Gifts.

    I stayed at the Artspace a lot longer than I'd intended. Around 7pm, Jen drove me home and I went to bed.

one year ago

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