Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   DIY Christians
Thursday, December 17 1998
Most mornings, as I'm biking to work, taking the bike ramp from the Sunset Cliffs bridge down to the northshore San Diego River bikepath, I encounter the mobile encampment of a man whose story I'd very much like to know. He's a youngish black man with long dread locks and his "operation" is based around a bulky three-wheeled bicycle towing a cart. The cart is decorated with Christian crosses and the neatly-stenciled letters R and B. The only thing he says in response to "Morning, Bro!" is "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!" delivered as if he's an insane evangelical preacher. On one occasion he was so intent on a watercolour landscape he was painting that his "Jesus!" greeting came well after I'd receded into the distance. I might have much in my life that he could envy, but I envy his plainly evident freedom.
At work, my current project continues to be an effort to precisely duplicate the look and feel of the Yahoo main menu. It's dreary, boring work. I've noticed a tendency in my workplace for reflex-implementation of buzzword-ideology, without ever pausing to consider the matter intelligently. In this case, the buzzword-ideology being implemented is "embrace and extend." It's all about copying whoever's doing the best, even if what's being copied isn't what contributes to the observed success.

I scanned some of Kim's pictures at work today:

I'm with Jason Meyers, listening to the Mentors, drinking champagne straight from the bottle and giving the Heavy Metal salute.

Aaron the 11 year old entertains early partiers (including Christina the Swede, at right) at the Ocean Beach house warming

I'm with Rory in my Ocean Beach kitchen.

As I was leaving work tonight, a heavily decorated van appeared in the parking lot, on a fast trajectory leading towards the local department of social services (there's usually a line of poor people queued up in front of that place all day). The words on the side of the van read "Jesus is the reason for the season!" and on the back was a huge blown-up photograph of an aborted foetus with the unnecessary caption "Abortion Kills." I might not agree with this guy's ideology, but I had to respect his spunk. Far out, bro!

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