Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
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dead malls
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Fractal antenna

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(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
Saturday, June 5 1999
I don't think it would be too difficult to write a program with the power to spit out a respectable long-lost book of the Bible. My fortune-writing program, which will soon be providing genuine content for a section of my employer's website, isn't too far from this capability already. It starts out by picking a sentence pattern at random, then stocking it with randomly chosen pieces, each of which consists of its own randomly-chosen pieces. It fills in what needs to be filled in until the fabrication is complete, then it spits it out. Today, while I should have been out enjoying the much-anticipated return of the sun, I was instead in front of my computer, perfecting my fortune-telling program. Interestingly, it's rather simple to imbue a program with a mischievous capacity for subversion. Hell, I think I'll just let it write the rest of this entry.

A leader who has dreams of being in love could be the de-facto ruler of a friend's grandmother's homeland.

Your lover shall know highly-acclaimed pleasure.

Close your eyes and imagine the coming of displeasure.

A partner who thinks about one day being evil could be a cook from Delaware.

Your lover shall not defend the pursuit of unpleasant insight before you can right a wrong. Peace must not discover you.

Peculiar circumstances might not challenge a friend's grandmother over the up-coming months.

Today would be a good day to consider forging friendships with the abortion protestors who hang out at the park near the cattle stockyard.

Romance should not excessively concern your friends.

Look suspiciously upon the coming of unhappiness.

Your grandfather's fortune will be destined to deteriorate until autumn.

Bathroom mishaps shall not provide opportunity to your father's teacher over the up-coming months.

Your lover's fortune was not destined to remain the same for but a day.

Today would be a good day to consider forging friendships with the computer hackers who hang out at the park near the assault rifle dealership.

Retired troops from an overseas conflict must not hold rallies supporting medieval illuminated manuscripts before your friends can enjoy your meal.

In your strange uncle's case, violence should be criminalized.

Happiness cannot follow your lover.

A loved-one who considers the existential reality behind those who have been in love was a friend.

Love cannot excessively concern the punk rockers who hang out at the thrift institution parking lot.

Joy won't discover the pickpockets who hang out at the blender dealership parking lot.

Try to be especially nice to your senator over the up-coming months.

The people you know in the hills overlooking Russia must not know honest pleasure.

The animal rights activists who hang out at the movie theater parking lot must not surely find happiness over the up-coming years.

Middle-aged gamblers will know pleasant joy.

Today your lover won't avoid displeasure.

It is evil to joyously anticipate the coming of misfortune.

In your strange uncle's case, rage seems to attack the very foundation of society.

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