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Like my brownhouse:
   new use for Liquid Paper
Friday, June 11 1999
I wasn't home from work very long when Scott from down the street popped by to tell of a party happening at his house. It was his wife Justin's birthday.
Meanwhile Kim was spending long hours giving massages at work, though she had plans to go out partying with Steph after that. So it looked like I'd be going to Scott and Justin's place all by myself. I decorated a cardboard tube with a abstract impressionist painting so it could serve as a suitable container for a gift bottle of Cabernet.
Scott is sort of like the unofficial Mayor of Cape May Avenue. On any non-working day, there's some sort of party happening at his house. The parties are never especially big, but there's more to a party than the number of people in attendance. Every time I go to a Scott and Justin party, it seems like there's a totally different set of people there. Often there's a few people with distinctly foreign accents. Conversations are good, stories are intelligent and amusing, and there's plenty of alcohol of various sorts. Since many of those present are married, have children or are otherwise in serious relationships, there's relatively little sexual tension. That can be a good thing, though it also has the potential to make a party lame. After all, sexual tension is the force that drives the human race. Everybody thinks Neil Armstrong was an incredible stud.
The partiers left kind of abruptly at about 10:30, but for some reason I hung out and chatted with Scott after that. Fueled by straight-vodka martini after straight-vodka martini, he was telling me about life as a dissolute punk rock teenager in Manhattan Beach (near Los Angeles). When he was about 14, he says, his drug of choice was Liquid Paper™. He used to put it in a paper bag and huff it until the effects kicked in, brain cells be damned. He says the buzz is much better than anything as mild as, say, LSD. According to Scott, the hallucinations are much more realistic than the choppy animations and cheap special effects one normally sees while under the influence of a hallucinogenic drug. With Liquid Paper™, the visuals are a crisp photo-realistic world where impossible, magical things are allowed to happen in complete defiance of the laws of physics. Rocks suddenly jump off the ground and smash into buildings. People detach their heads and use them as fetch toys for their Dobermans. The insides of telephones booths are upholstered with live multi-ethnic human hands to provide massages to customers and Supermen alike.

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