hunger shakes Thursday, October 14 1999
Recently I've taken note of what appears to be the formation of a distended belly. This is not a purely academic observation; that belly is attached to me. It seems I'm gaining weight. For the first time in years, there are clothes that have become useless simply because they no longer fit me. I attribute my weight gain to the drastic changes in my life. In the slackerly old days, I'd often forget to eat meals and would only fix myself food when hunger rose up to a level of distraction. But since I started working for my present employer, it's become difficult to get through the lunch hour without someone inviting me to join them for a meal. Then, during the recent crunch time of the summer, the company actually began buying food for employees. This wasn't exactly health food either, it was consistently the most fattening food that can legally be delivered by a California catering company. I haven't been staying late enough to eat such meals lately, but at home Kim sees to it that I eat regularly.
Still, I sort of miss the old days when I'd get so wrapped up in my projects that I'd forget to eat. I like that frantic low blood sugar feeling. I find it often contributes to my concentration and cognitive sharpness. So today I decided to forgo lunch entirely. I snacked a little, but about the only thing I swallowed all day was coffee. By 5:30, I was cranky and irritable, though it had been an unusually productive day. I left work shortly thereafter.
By the time I got home, I was a nervous wreck. The 5 mile ride had wrung out what little remained of the glucose in my blood. I felt like I might collapse as I staggered from my bike towards the front door. My whole body felt like a post-orgasm penis being sucked by an over-zealous lover. It was too intense to bear.
With shaking hands, I poured myself a bowl of corn chips and spicy tomato sauce and chowed down in front of the television. A half hour later I felt normal again.
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