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Like my brownhouse:
   tantric telephone talk
Sunday, October 17 1999
We left Scott's place in La Jolla at 4:00am, and though we were the first to leave, our lack of a complete night's sleep definitely took a toll on today.
For brunch, Kim, Steph, EJ and I ate at Rancho's, a healthy Mexican/Vegetarian restaurant down in that strangely unknown (to me) part of Ocean Beach south of Newport Street. There's a whole set of businesses and residential areas down there, all of them familiar to Steph and EJ, but in my mind it's as if it's beyond the edge of the known Universe.
We ate in the patio part of Rancho's. It's surrounded (and even roofed) by potted plants and other vegetation and resembles one of those outdoor forts I used to defend as a child.
The staff of Ranchos work rather differently than the staffs of other restaurants. Everybody seems to do everything from hosting to bussing tables to waitering to washing dishes, and there's enough overlap of activity and miscommunication in broken English that it's perfectly possible to inadvertently order the same meal twice at a single sitting.
It was refreshing to find myself eating Mexican food that was healthy and vegetarian, not assorted animals run through a wood chipper onto a bed of rice and guacamole.
Kim and I napped until evening, at which point we were expecting a call from one of Kim's contacts, a respected tantric master (or, in this case, mistress). It seems this particular mistress of tantra is interested in making some sort of videotape and is recruiting people to appear in it. Kim is connected just well enough to the whole Eastern practices scene in California for us to qualify as potential "tantric actors." Now, I don't know the first thing about tantric practices and Kim doesn't know a lot more, so we'll definitely need some instruction first. The deal is that we'll get a discount on tantric lessons if we're willing to appear on tape. I didn't arrange this thing; I'm just coming into it second hand. It's interesting simply because it's a little bit odd and it's an opportunity for gratuitous exhibitionism. During my part of the phone interview, the topic of my online journal cropped up and I used it as an opportunity to admit my exhibitionistic tendencies. The tantric mistress had such a calm, clear, articulate, radio friendly voice that I'm not at all surprised to learn that she'd been featured extensively in the media.
Later on, Kim and I walked down to El Rodeo on Newport Street to pick up burritos, our second Mexican meal in a single day (not an unusual thing, even for Anglos, in San Diego). EJ refers to the cheap burritos one gets at a quickie burrito stand as "ghetto burritos." When it comes to ghetto burritos, EJ and Steph swear by El Rodeo. Kim and I used to buy all our burritos at Nico's, but El Rodeo definitely uses a better grade of grease. The burritos we ate tonight were actually even vegetarian.
I was amused to note that Hodad's, the burger place that proudly claims to have sold less than 20 billion burgers, was now proudly displaying a "B" California Health inspection rating sign in their window. I'd never seen a California Health inspection rating sign that wasn't an "A."

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