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Like my brownhouse:
   overplanned birthday
Friday, October 22 1999
Today was the neighbor girl Lisa's birthday and she had big plans for how it would be celebrated. The festivities would begin downtown with a ladies-only dinner in the Gas Lamp quarter and proceed from there to a haunted house. From there it would head back to Ocean Beach and conclude at Winston's, a bar at which I've never actually spent any time.
While even I'm willing to admit that a little structure is always good for a birthday, the sheer stifling quantity of structure for this particular birthday was too much even for a congenital planner like Kim. For her, the most troubling aspect of the night as planned was the "ladies-only" nature of the bulk of the festivities. Lisa jusified this aspect with the observation that Jenna the German Girl is socially incompatible with a good fraction of the men likely to come to a bi-gender celebration: Jason the "redneck surfer from Malibu" and myself, among others. Still, in general Kim doesn't like the things girls do and say when they're pumped-up on girls-only energy. "Too much like middle school," was one of her characterizations.
In the end, Kim never participated in any of Lisa's birthday celebrations, or any other celebrations of any kind for that matter. We didn't even go with Steph and EJ to see their friend's band, Harmony 24, another of those San Diego white boy hip-hop/heavy metal bands. The Friday night ended unusually prematurely.

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