Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


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Like my brownhouse:
   ninety percent logistics
Thursday, March 13 2003
It snowed again today. The snow and cold weather we're experiencing here in the southeastern Catskills is becoming nearly as monotonous as the slightly-too-cool sunny weather of Santa Monica and San Diego. At least when the weather was monotonous there, you could still go outside and have a picnic.
Gretchen and I drove down the treacherous snowy road into Kingston late this afternoon to attend to various matters related to our wedding, which will be held in May. First we had to look at our wedding invitations (they were great). Then we had to plan our night-before dinner at the Rondout restaurant Armadillo with its owner, Merle. I can't imagine a restaurant owner more acceptable to Gretchen's inflexible standards. Not only is Merle a vegetarian, but she's also heavily involved in the local animal adoption scene. Today, for example, she'd posted a flyer advertising the adoption needs of a homeless pit bull on a prominent pillar in the Armadillo dining room.
Merle had encouraged us to bring Sally with us to today's meeting. So there was Sally, walking around the dining room and saying hello to customers in complete violation of all local health ordinances. Meanwhile we discussed what sort of food to have, when to have it, how many people would be there, etc. As you know, logistics bore me nearly as much as protocol, and this is reflected in my attitude towards weddings (which are ninety percent logistics and ten percent protocol). It did help that there was a basket of corn chips to snack on throughout the meeting. As for Sally, she was having a fabulous time. Merle kept handing her pieces of shredded chicken breast and everybody was fussing over her.
After the meeting, Gretchen and I had something of a light dinner and I drank not one but two margaritas. My main course was actually a large appetizer of a pepper-stuffed shrimp, one of the items we'll be offering at our night-before meal. All of the non-vegetarian options at this meal will be similarly non-kosher. I don't care if I burn in Jewish Hell.

The picture I drew for the front of our wedding invitation. Note the Plato's Symposium reference, which comes to us not through philosophy classes but the movie Hedwig and the Angry Inch

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