sunny enough Tuesday, March 10 2015
It's actually kind of hard to do work when the weather takes such a dramatic turn towards springtime. Though today's highs of around 50 were a little above normal, just a week or so ago temperatures were at least ten degrees below seasonal and they'd been as much as 20 degrees below seasonal at various points over the preceding two months. The sudden arrival of better conditions, even if not fully springlike, is cheerfully distracting. I want to watch the snow melt and hear the birds sing (even if they're still just Cardinals and Ravens this early in the season), so it's hard to do the boring old work of making, say, the items in an Excel spreadsheet exported for a store order report be top aligned.
Meanwhile, Gretchen has embarked on something of a Justified binge after having me download the first five seasons using Bittorrent. Still, even Justified couldn't justify holing up in the windowless teevee room on a day like today. It actually wasn't especially sunny, but it was sunny enough to make the greenhouse an attractive place for reading, and when Gretchen isn't sleeping, eating, walking dogs, cooking, at work, checking her email, or solving a crossword puzzle, she's almost certainly reading.
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