Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


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Like my brownhouse:
   raw tempeh and me
Wednesday, July 5 2017
I had low-grade hangover for most of the workday in the remote workplace. Things are getting done in a way they never used to in IT, but it's taking a little for me adjust to certain aspects such as our hive mind. I'd put a bunch of work into writing an email to the rest of The Organization and asked for others to see if it was okay. Not only did Allison gut it and totally rework it, but she also said something slightly mean about how I'd hidden a veiled insult in my verbiage by referencing the comparative difference of technical skills between IT and the rest of The Organization. It's the kind of thing you just have to let go. Our team is doing great, but there are egos and strong personalities in the mix, and it's not always going to be so easy.
This evening I took a bath that ranged through a variety of temperatures while I read about subjects such as do-it-yourself eight bit computers made without microprocessors. Gretchen was returning from a movie with Sarah the Vegan and Nancy just as I was getting out of the tub, and Gretchen had gotten me a falafel from the Aba's Falafel food stand at the Woodstock Farm Festival. The pickled hot peppers available from Aba's have an unusal smoky quality not present in the cans of pickled Goya-brand jalapeño I typically eat on the things I make myself. Lately I've been eating a lot of Light Life-brand "smoky-bacon" flavor tempeh, which I do not cook before putting in my sandwiches. I think this means that I am eating it raw, which some caution against. So far it hasn't caused me any trouble whatsoever. I've actually been eating raw tempeh for more than half of my life; back in college when I used to take multi-hundred-mile bike rides either to or from Oberlin, tempeh was an concentrated nutrient that was available and also free (when I was leaving Oberlin), so I would eat a fair amount of it raw while biking. I would also drink a lot of soy milk (it was also "free").

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