Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   a day ruined by cyclobenzaprine
Friday, July 7 2017
Gretchen took cyclobenzaprine (the muscle relaxer) to combat back pain this morning, and it ended up fucking her up for the rest of the day. She still managed to go into town to do things with Andrea, but she was a wreck by this afternoon.
[REDACTED] This afternoon's project had me transplanting the reporting system's dynamic JSON-to-form interpreter to the task management system ("the Taskinator"). It was my first major addition to the system, which in recent days has been massively improved by Dan. This form system was something requested by Allison, and I hadn't talked it over with Dan at all. I could tell Dan was feeling proprietary about the Taskinator, a feeling I totally understand. But that form was needed on the Taskinator and nobody knew that Javascript interpreter like I do, so it had to be me bolting it on there (with, I told Dan in an effort to placate him, "just two screws"). It was a very non-invasive change, but even so there ended up being conflicts in Git, which is always a fucking headache without an obvious fix (at least for me, someone who has been a Git novice for three or four years now).
Despite how shitty Gretchen felt this evening, we had a social engagement to attend. Julianna and Lee had invited us and Susan & David over to their house for barbecued vegan hamburger patties and what not. Just as we were getting ready to leave, I heard the distant smeared-out barking of our dogs. Clearly they'd treed that local male bear yet again. So Gretchen and I grabbed leashed and went briskly southward on the Farm Road, following the barking as it became louder and more defined. The dogs were low on the slope just west of that swampy patch west of the Farm Road. I swooped in as quietly as I could, leashed Ramona, and got a glance at the bear, fairly high up on the trunk of a moderately-big tree. He looked enormous. As for Neville, Gretchen didn't even bother to leash him. He was clearly sick of Ramona's bear treeing project, but had stuck with him out of personal loyalty. The dogs had been at the base of that tree for something like five hours, ever since the late walk Gretchen had given them in the early afternoon.
We had to leave the dogs home when we went to Julianna and Lee's house. Their dog Lulu was recently attacked by a rottweiler that had tried to kill her by grabbing her by the neck and shaking her to death, and she was still traumatized (though only superficially injured). When Gretchen and I arrived, Lee was doing the grilling and others were sitting around bullshitting, looking out over the gorgeous overgrown field to the north. Julianna offered me a vodka tonic, and I told her to make it "with lots of vodka." My main conversational contribution tonight was telling David and Lee about the crazy politics and intrigue of late in my workplace.
Gretchen perked up a bit soon thereafter, though she had almost no appetite for the grilled burgers or corn on the cob (all of which was delicious). Meanwhile poor David is on such a restricted diet (in hopes of weaning him off the acid indigestion medicine Prilosec) that all he was able to eat was a Beyond Meat faux burger patty with faux coconut-milk provolone-style "cheese" with pickles and sauerkraut. Due to Gretchen's condition, we left at around 9:30, which is very early for leaving from a dinner party. [REDACTED]

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