Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   dark gloomy skies pregnant with portent
Thursday, July 13 2017
I'm still walking the dogs every morning, as Gretchen is still usually weak and feeling ill at that time of day. Later, though, she tends to rally and resume normal activity, only to crash again. This is within the range of normal for a case of Lyme disease. Hopefully the antibiotics are winning the battle against the corkscrew-like spirochetes.
On their walk this morning, the dogs discovered something very interesting on the bluff above the Stick Trail (near 41.927611N, 74.105323W). I heard them barking and whimpering, so I assumed they'd treed that poor bear yet again. But when I caught up with them, I found them staring up into the canopy of a tree that didn't appear to have any creature in it at all. The tree was hollow, however, and what was probably inside it was a fisher. I left them there with their hollow tree. Eventually it started raining, and the dogs gave up and came home.
My main project in the remote workplace today, after finishing off my resume winnowing, was adding Canadian and Brazilian postal codes to a geolocation table (one that keeps latitude and longitude information for proximity calculations). The data I needed to import came in CSVs that were most-easily processed by a script that could read a header row containing column names. Unfortunately, phpMyAdmin has no such import. And the variouse online CSV-to-SQL-INSERT-statement calculators I found online didn't quite do what I needed. So I wrote my own, which will probably be useful for future projects. [REDACTED]
This evening at around 7:00pm, I drove to the Uptown Hannaford (aka "Ghettoford") mostly to get bread, which we'd run completely out of. Gretchen had a few things for me to buy as well (scallions, pecans, cherry tomatoes, and shelled edamame) and of course I added some of my staples (mulitgrain corn chips, faux-bacon tempeh, and a sixer of Little Sumpin Sumpin').
For at least a week now there's been a carnival happening to the east of the Hannaford parking lot (complete with a midway and lots of rides), and on this Thursday evening, beneath dark gloomy skies pregnant with portent, the carnival seemed unusually festive. But as I was walking into the Hannaford, I overheard what looked to be a plaza rent-a-cop giving intel to some police officers who had just arrived. Apparently some thugs had had an altercation with some other thugs and promised to come back and whup some ass. Suddenly lots of police were on hand to prevent the outbreak of unrest. Also of note: I saw two attractive youngish white women with widespread tattoos in various parts of their mostly-unclothed bodies. I've seen tattoos on lots of people, but not quite so many on someone who didn't look to be so obviously part of some scene. And here were two such people on stormy evening in July.

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