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Like my brownhouse:
   shortcake birthday in Woodstock
Friday, July 21 2017
I awoke with a big of a headache at around 4:00am this morning on the teevee room couch. [REDACTED]

Today was Andrea's 50th birthday, and to celebrate Gretchen and I would be taking her out to dinner at the Garden Café. Andrea had been elsewhere and arrived with Michæl & Carrie, who wanted to see the new kitten Janet. I was feeling tired and a little unwell, but I agreed to go with the others to dinner. We drove to Woodstock as a two-Prius caravan.
When we arrived at the Garden, Susan & David were already there. There were seven people at our table, and I was the only one to order an alcoholic beverage: a Southern Tier 2X IPA. Other than that, I had the lentil & vegetable soup (it was okay) and the burrito entrée. I'd eaten very little today and it seemed my stomach had shrunk or something, because after eating a big bowl of that soup, I had very little room left for the burrito. I only ate half of it and then felt like lying down. But no, there could be no lying down. It was Andrea's birthday, so of course she would be eating cake. In this case the cake was strawberry shortcake. It was her birthday, so how I was feeling needed to take a backseat. But I have to say that sitting there was a distended shrunken stomach watching people slowly eat their cake felt like torture.
The funniest imagery in tonight's dinner conversation came from Carrie when we were discussing cat colonies (and whether there should perhaps be one behind the Colony Café). The word "colony" put the idea of costumed re-enactors in her head, and she imagine a cat being held in a stockade, the way (she seemed to be suggesting) period re-enactors sometimes are in places like Colonial Williamsburg.
Back home, I immediately climbed into bed and put a pillow on my head. Sleep came to me rapidly, though I awoke a number of times in the night.

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