Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   red-vein; meh?
Tuesday, August 15 2017

location: rural Hurley Township, Ulster County, New York, USA

I had to get more provisions, particularly bread, so this morning I drove to the Uptown Hannaford to go shopping. The parking lot looked oddly naked on my arrival, and I soon realized this was because the covered sidewalks that transect the parking lots had lost their roofs. They were kind of a nice feature, and I hope they're not gone for good.
While in the Adirondacks, an order I'd placed for "red vein" kratom had arrived. It's more powerful and costs about three times as much as what I normally buy. After drinking a cup of tea made from it this afternoon, though, I can't say that it's worth the money. It is stronger, so you use less, but it's not that much stronger, and I didn't notice a big qualitative difference.

This afternoon during a lull, I drove out to the Tibetan Center thrift store just to go treasure hunting. When I was a kid, I used to fantasize about stumbling upon high tech treasure in the form of a crashed satellite from space. But such treasure can much more reliably found at the Tibetan Center thrift store. Today's finds were modest: a $1 ) flashlight with a robust generator crank (and apparently dead rechargeable battery) and a (free) Airport Express Base Station that could be used to remotely play music through an audio jack. I should mention I stopped for booze on the round-about way there at the wine shop at Hurley Ridge (where Hurley Ridge Market is in the process of being converted into a Hannaford). That Hurley Ridge wineshop is noticeably more expensive than the liquor stores I prefer in Kingston, and they don't have any of the cheap single malt scotches I like; so, for the first time perhaps ever, I bought a bottle of Jack Daniels ($32 for 750 mL), along with what, at that wine store, is a cheap half gallon of gin: Gordon's for $20.

This evening I took yet another bath, just because hot water is plentiful and I can transact the final hour of my workday easily from my phone.

In Trump-related news, America's racist uncle today went back to his initial opinion that "all sides" were to blame for the recent horror in Charlottesville, Virginia. Trump looked at those angry, violent mobs of racists carrying shields and sticks and flying nazi flags and imagined that some of them must be reasonable human beings, whereas there must be some among the people opposing them (the ones who don't want to end up in ovens) who are "bad, bad people." Whatever cover Trump's craven Republican enablers thought they had was lost in an instant! Keep burning that political capital, bro!

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