Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


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Like my brownhouse:
   thorough olfactory inspection
Sunday, August 27 2017

location: rural Hurley Township, Ulster County, New York

Throughout the day today, I downloaded a Linux live distribution thinking if I could boot my laptop Hyrax with that and the WiFi worked, then the problem was probably fixable. But I didn't even have to get that far into the weeds; when I tried resetting the laptop's BIOS to factory, the WiFi started working again. And if that works, then it's hard to justify replacing such a capable laptop (even if it is a bit clunky). Instead, perhaps all I need to do is replace its main battery with a better one, which might allow me to remove a second thin battery attached to the laptop's bottom that adds a galling quarter inch to its thickness.

Meanwhile Gretchen is back to being sick, though she was nevertheless able to work her customary Sunday shift at the bookstore in Woodstock. She wasn't able to take Neville with her when she left, because he'd yet to get a walk. Later, though, I brought him so he could spend most of the shift working side-by-side with his mother. While out, I also visited the Tibetan Center thrift store, where I managed to buy an old Clairol illuminated cosmetic mirror. This one had different light filtering settings for different times of day. Mostly all I cared about was its largish rectangular parabolic mirror, which proved capable of starting fires in sunlight. There was also an old 4 megapixel Olympus digital camera with analog zoom, and it wasn't completely worthless because it had some onboard memory (instead of forcing me to buy overpriced proprietary xD memory cards).

This evening I went over to Ray & Nancy's place for the season finale of Game of Thrones, the one where (spoiler alert) the revived zombie dragon (complete with holes in his wings) spits a torrent of blue fire to open up a hole in the wall, allowing the army of the dead to march south. It was also the epsiode where Lord Baelish (played by the actor who also played a Baltimore mayor in the Wire) gets killed by Araya after some not-especially rigorous judicial formalities. That guy had it coming, and they didn't even mention the shit he'd pulled in Baltimore.
Ray had told me not to bring the dogs because the neighbors now have chickens, and those chickens might not be adequately fenced. So poor Jack didn't get to hang out with his favorite friends. Ray's brother's dog Bruce was there too, and he's looking like an old dog these days. He's 14 years old and covers everything he puts his mouth against with slime.
When I got home, Ramona the Dog gave me a thorough olfactory inspection. I don't know what information she gleaned from all the Jack and Bruce fragrances left on my clothes, but she wouldn't let me go for a good couple minutes.

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