Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   what little
Thursday, July 22 1999
All of us have A amount of hours per week, of which we spend B sleeping. The remaining time, A-B, is divided between time spent at (or getting to) work, C, time spent with our families (Kim), D, and time spent with friends, E. This leaves us with the following amount of time alone: A-(B+C+D+E), a small value I will refer to as F. If I were to list the size of the lettered parts of my day from largest to smallest, then here's how it would go: C, B, E, D, E, F. But there's nothing fixed about these divisions. They have real people behind them, controlling them, giving them personalities that make them behave in greedy ways. C, for example, being big and extremely arrogant and having no respect for my time away from it, would like to take as much as possible of all the others. E, on the other hand, mainly struggles for control of pieces of F. Meanwhile D, like C, would like to take as much as possible of all non-D pieces, though D is much more aware of my needs for F than C is.
The only person controlling F is me, and I very much like my F. But since I'm it's only advocate, it tends to be the battleground with will pitted against the wills of everyone else. Every day it is battle between my C and my F, and every night it is a battle between my D and my F. On the weekends, it's largely E and D fighting for my F. Recently C has become even more arrogant than usual, fighting for what little remains of my evenings and even my weekends, pushing aside D and F wholesale. I'm left wishing to flee into the mountains where, I'm told, it's F all the time.

My eyes glazed over.
I sighed as obviously as I could.
I half-hid a yawn.
I needed a break.
I needed coffee.
While drinking beer.
My signals went unread.
Honesty was important
until I became insulting.
And then we argued.
And then we talked.
My eyes glazed over.
I sighed as obviously as I could.
I half-hid a yawn.
I needed a break.
I needed coffee.
While drinking beer.
My signals went unread.
Honesty was important
until I became insulting.
And then we argued.
And then we talked.
My eyes glazed over.
I sighed as obviously as I could.
I half-hid a yawn.
I needed a break.
I needed coffee.
While drinking beer.
My signals went unread.
Honesty was important
until I became insulting.
And then we argued.
And then we talked.
My eyes glazed over.
I sighed as obviously as I could.
I half-hid a yawn.
I needed a break.
I needed coffee.
While drinking beer.
My signals went unread.
Honesty was important
until I became insulting.
And then we argued.
And then we talked.
My eyes glazed over.
I sighed as obviously as I could.
I half-hid a yawn.
I needed a break.
I needed coffee.
Little girl

My eyes wide open.
I still felt achey.
This damn summer cold.
Didn't hide my need.
To see his blue eyes smile.

I told him about my new class.
To his dismay.
Time passed.
He yawned and drank his beer.
He insulted me until I broke free.
Into the ocean air.

Hours later.
He told me he loved me.
That I was his little girl.
And he wanted to fuck me.

You need to understand little girl.
I am embarassed about my lack of freedom.
I am not like the other boys.
I have no time for you.
Then he fucked me.
Deep into a well.

My eyes wide open.
I still felt achey.
This damn summer cold.
Didn't hide my need.
To see his blue eyes smile. I told him about my new class.
To his dismay.
Time passed.
He yawned and drank his beer.
He insulted me until I broke free.
Into the ocean air.

Hours later.
He told me he loved me.
That I was his little girl.
And he wanted to fuck me.

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