Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   the show goes on
Sunday, July 25 1999
Re-cue Saturday; today was very similar. But, unlike yesterday, Kim and I didn't walk to the local health food store on an errand to purchase overpriced super-healthy food (bagels seemingly made of sawdust, etc.), and I didn't leave for work until considerably into the afternoon. But that wasn't until after first taking a leisurely bath in the relaxing calm of Kim's absence (she was at work massaging bodies all afternoon and evening).
I was only at work for about four hours, long enough to be seen multiple times by the Grand Pooh Bah, but not long enough to achieve any real effort milestones. Nobody has told me this, but over time I've gathered that being seen by the Grand Pooh Bah is pretty much all that is expected of me by my boss, who in turn serves as a Grand Pooh Bah Lackey. You see, my boss is under a great deal of pressure to be a slave driver and it reflects favourably on him when the Grand Pooh Bah sees the web development staff chugging away hard on a sunny Sunday afternoon.
In the evening I was all worn out, exhausted and vaguely depressed by the insanity enveloping me at work. So Kim and I drove over to Point Loma to rent a movie. She went into the Blockbuster to pick out a flick while I waited out in the car with Sophie listening to 105.3 FM, the local hard rock-Howard Stern station that's always trying so hard to be controversial. Next we crossed the street and ate some icecream in a Baskins Robbins. The guy running the counter had the extroverted blue collar demeanor of a skid row circus ring master (the sort who spends his evenings reading B-spy novels). He was chatting up a decidedly overweight woman, impressing her with tales of his quasi-profession bicycle career. She lingered for a long time but finally she had to be going. Meanwhile, the fireworks of Sea World exploded spectacularly on the northern horizon.
The movie Kim had rented was the Woody Allen flick Deconstructing Harry. I found the overall plot fascinating, since it concerned the travails of an author whose semi-autobiographical books lead him from one trouble to another with plenty of adventure in between. Unfortunately, I fell asleep a short way into the film.

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