Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   long tired day
Wednesday, July 28 1999
Last night while loudly playing her new Lilith Fair compilation CD, Kim was dancing around the living room with the poise and confidence of a goddess. Her whole body was moving but her head was absolutely still, looking at me sometimes intensely, sometimes matter-of-factly. This might seem like an odd description, but you have to understand that I was high on hash hish and bong hits at the time.

Despite every effort to keep this from happening, today I found myself operating under a sleep deficit. This deficit was the legacy of my showing up for work at 5:00am Tuesday morning. I'd had to help with the pre-dawn installation of a critical piece of the company website and there'd been no other way. Unfortunately, the rest of my work demands have prevented me from catching up on my sleep. At times today I was absolutely miserable. Adding further to my woe was a mild head cold that has been torturing me.

The only rewards for me during my long miserable work days are trips to the crapper. Indeed, the only times I can count on being completely alone these days are occasions when I'm seated on the throne. In apparent compensation for my overall lack of privacy and free time, my bowels have come to depend on my taking three solid shits each day, up from my normal average of one.
I make a big deal out of my bathroom vacations too. I usually go over to the sister office building and use the men's room on the first floor, far away from colleagues and familiar faces. I especially like that particular bathroom because usually no one else uses it and it's clean and remote. There are no nearby offices; the entire floor is gutted and there doesn't appear to be much construction activity going on. The only downside is the smell; it has the faint odour of stale anærobic sewage.

Today I stayed at work until well past 8:00pm and caught a ride home with Eric the Web Developer. As he was helping me get my bike out of his car, Kim came running over to greet me. She'd been walking Sophie with Jenna the German Girl, who grudgingly came over and silently joined us, as did our neighbor Lisa. As expected, Eric expressed more than a subtle interest in Jenna the German Girl.

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