Now, more than ever, your nation needs your support. As our Great President has said, "If you're not with us, you're with the terrorists." Join us today as proud, vigilant patriots by displaying these banners and graphics on your website, in your window, on your front door, on your child's backpack--and let everyone know you're looking for--and reporting--anyone and anything un-American, un-patriotic, and pro-terrorism. Remember--the price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

Web Banners. 468 x 60 pixels. Link to For patriotic websites only. Non-patriotic or un-American links will be forwarded to the FBI as evidence of terrorism.

Mount this sign in your window, on your front door, and on lampposts in your neighborhood--terrorists can't hide from SNITCH!

This sign and the SNITCH logo are terrorist-proof Adobe Acrobat PDFs.
  SNITCH is also offering these fine posters which harken back to a better time in America--when steak dinners cost $1.25, when cigarettes didn't cause cancer, when prayer in school was legal, when the God-given rights of the unborn were protected, and when everyone knew their place.

Download and display these graphics with pride--the pride that comes from being an American.


Link to SNITCH!