cat porn Monday, June 1 2015
Today it was rainy and cold, with temperatures never rising out of the 50s. At times I actually turned on my parabolic heater so the back of my neck would be warm. Back several days ago when highs were in the 90s, I hadn't thought I'd be wearing socks again any time soon, but now they're not even quite enough. Still, I've been resistant to kindle any fires except the kind that burn paper and cardboard.
This morning I watched last night's episode of Game of Thrones on my computer. I was hoping there would be more development of the "Cersei, Queen Mother, jailed by religious crazies" thread, but instead there was a rather abrupt invasion by the White Walkers and their army of the dead into a village of wildlings, an invasion that just happened to come as our hero Jon Snow arrived to forge an alliance. The coincidental timing struck me as a bit off for such an otherwise trope-subverting series, but perhaps my problem is actually with the idea of White Walkers and reanimated corpses generally. I like the idea of a massive malevolent force that makes the petty squabbles of humans seem insignificant (it is, after all, a good metaphor for global warming, resource depletion, and all the other threats faced by humanity), but zombies rub me the wrong way. They violate the apparent laws of physics even more than fire-breathing dragons, and, really, with all the other great stuff Game of Thrones has to offer, throwing in zombies is like throwing in the kitchen sink. I'm sure there is someone out there somewhere who wouldn't be watching Game of Thrones if it didn't include zombies (and it has at least two different kinds!), but I would much rather George R. R. Martin had put a little more thought and originality into what his big existential threat would be.
This afternoon, I had to drive through the rain to Barnyard Pet Supply to get some emergency dog food and somehow blew over $100 on the staples of our creatures: a 12 pack of 15oz catfood wetfood (containing "trout"), 16 pounds of cat dryfood (containing "seafood"), and circa 40 pounds of vegan dog food. Along the way, I noticed that the hippie organic farm stand at the intersection of Thielpape and Hurley Mt. Road had yet to open for the season, though there was a motley gaggle of purposeful-looking chickens on the shoulder of the road nearby.
This evening Gretchen made a couple dishes from a deliberately-irreverent vegan cook book called Thug Kitchen. The peanutbutter cole slaw turned out great, but the tempeh stew was watery and desperately needed salt and an umami component. The solution was to add tomatoes and a can of black beans.
While eating our drinner, we watched a new show I started recording on the DVR called Treetop Cat Rescue, where we watch tree experts get cats out of tall trees in the Pacific Northwest. I don't know what gets edited out, but so far it's been nothing but happy endings. It's great cat porn for those who love cats and don't really know why.
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