hadn't felt the need to bark Saturday, June 20 2015
This morning during the chaotic runup to breakfast, Gretchen made a slaw with cabbage (not from our garden) and I made BLTs (and variations on BLTs) using lettuce from our garden and even a couple not-quite-ripe tomatoes from the one mature tomato I'd had under grow lamps all winter. Meanwhile Afton was watching Minecraft content in the laboratory, repeatedly doing cartwheels that he was able to land as high as the fourth step up the staircase to the upstairs, or playing with his little foster sister S. I've never see a kid that age so clearly overjoyed to have a toddler for a younger sister. Evidently he hasn't yet done the math showing the resource consequences of more children being added to his family.
Nathan and Janine are punctual. They'd predicted they'd be leaving at around noon today, and they left at 12:03pm. That's especially amazing given that they were traveling with a toddler and all the equipment and disposable resources a toddler requires, including, for this toddler, a nebulizer. The only glitch in their departure was leaving a book behind in the greenhouse. It was Septimus Heap and had been checked out from the Charlottesville-Albemarle Regional Library.
Gretchen spent the afternoon and evening working at the bookstore in Woodstock while I puttered around the house getting not too much done. I took a big nap in the mid afternoon and awoke feeling like I'd been painted by a lazy Seurat plagiarist. It's hard to get out of bed when you are imprisoned by shimmering ovoid dapples. But then I heard a knocking at the open door and wandered downstairs to find a politician needing my signature so he could get on the Democratic ballot to be a candidate for the Ulster County legislature. For some reason Ramona, who had clearly already greeted him, hadn't felt the need to bark (and Eleanor was asleep in the laboratory). The politician's name was Doug Adams, so of course I mentioned the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It turned out that this Douglas Adams had actually met that Douglas Adams while in California.
The day was cloudy and increasingly cool, with temperatures dropping into the low 60s. A little before midnight, rain began to fall, and it would come down hard at times. The remnants of Tropical Storm Bill were being flung into our region by a high pressure system down in the southeastern United States.
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