love for a bird Thursday, June 25 2015
My body overcompensated for yesterday's gastrointestinal issues by giving me a case of what, for me, is constipation. I had final uncomfortable visit to the brownhouse this morning (I think part of the proble with the jalapeños on their way out is that they weren't sufficiently digested) and then after that, nothing all day. In a normal day I visit the brownhouse at least twice, though often I visit it four times. Perhaps part of what was happening was that there was nothing left in the queue.
I decided to go gentle on myself today, eating bland peanut butter sandwiches and ultimately graduating to a nice gentle (though somewhat spicy) Italian meal built around bow tie noodles and a red simmer sauce containing eggplant, mushrooms, onions, and slice jalapeños. Those jalapeños caused me a lot of grief, but they're too good not to use.
Today was the day of the historic Supreme Court decision in King vs. Burwell, the case where rightwingers opposed to Obamacare hoped to trap it in a death spiral with a narrow, context-free reading of its text. Thankfully, even justice John Roberts saw through this flimsy attack, and the suit failed 6-to-3. I was relieved, though, I have to admit, I was also a little disappointed. It would have been fun to see the Republicans assholes deal with the shitstorm that a sudden unraveling of Obamacare would have visited upon them.
With no hangover and my ass in full working order, I could take some pseudoephedrine and get some work done. There were a number of unpleasant distractions, true, but my procrastination isn't something I should be blaming on other people.
In other news, today I watched a tiny bird (a warbler or a vireo) feeding a much larger bird, one that I took to be a fledgling Cowbird. It was pathetic but also a little touching. Love for a bird is a very strong emotion, even when it is ludicrously misdirected.
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