June gloom in Upstate New York Tuesday, June 2 2015
The rain had stopped by the time we were out of bed, but the day remained a cloudy and uncomfortably cool one, with temperatures again never rising out of the 50s. Gretchen wanted a fire, so I made one that included actual pieces of wood. But when it failed to ignite I left it to smoulder and die.
The stress was off work-wise, so I could engage in more recreational passtimes such as working on my barometric wind vane. Today I cut up five inch pieces of half-inch copper pipe to attach to the five stubs on the custom manifold I'd made (one stub for each cardinal direction and one pointing downward). Since there were already insulated wires passing through the manifold, I couldn't solder these pipes onto it, so I used JB Weld (a kind of epoxy) instead. The manifold has already been mounted into the lid of a PVC electrical junction box, and I've already figured out a way to run five pins (on 0.1 inch centers) through that box to provide a serial connection. While I was working with the JB Weld, I decided to use it to attach a short piece of copper pipe to the box around those five pins to provide protection from the weather. Those pins will be pointing downward, but I don't want them to be hit by snowflakes and raindrops coming in from the side. It is starting to look a little like Sputnik I:
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