Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


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Like my brownhouse:
   spring lawn mowing
Tuesday, May 23 2017
A guest would be visiting us tomorrow, and I'd yet to mow the grass this year. The yard was so overgrown as to look unwelcoming, so I busted out the electric lawnmower and did most of it before work. A UPS guy showed up while I was mowing to deliver a replacement intermediate pipe for my Subaru. The dogs greeted him enthusiastically, and he didn't freak out because he knew them and liked them. Generally the UPS guys are willing to give dogs the benefit of the doubt, but we've also had delivery guys refuse to get out of their trucks until we locked up the dogs in the house. It's hard to lock up your own children, and that's how such a request comes across.

I drank kratom tea for most of the afternoon, and this worked reasonably well to focus my mind on the task at hand: adding better support for multiple currencies in a number of places in the donor database.

This evening at around 6:00pm, I finished up all the mowing (even hitting the stone walkway with the weed whacker) and then Gretchen and I drove with the dogs down to Ray & Nancy's house in Old Hurley. As we approached on Old 209, Neville sensed where we were going and started whimpering. His anticipation was soon matched by Ray & Nancy's dog Jack, who circled our car so manically it was hard to get to a place to park. Reunited, the three dogs set out on a multi-yard romp. Interestingly, Ray apparently hadn't been mowing his grass, something he'd done obsessively in all previous years he's lived here. This was apparently due to the failing health of his old ride 'em lawn mower, which is in the process of being replaced. He offered me the old one, but it wasn't worth considering because Gretchen wouldn't hear of it.
Ray had made two dishes: an oily tofu & broccoli concoction and a very spicy chick pea & potato curry. For some reason we didn't talk much about politics; instead, most of the conversation kept coming back to Ray's bad back or how much the dogs seemed to be loving on each other.
Later we sat on the screened-in front porch, where it was a bit cool for me (optimistically dressed in just shorts and a teeshirt). Sarah the Vegan was also there and she shared a story about her toothless elderly cat Effy. Effy had somehow killed a mouse today, evidently by simply crushing it between her toothless gums. Somehow the topic of penis size came up, and Gretchen related how unpleasant her one experience with an unusually long penis had been. I jokingly acted like she was talking about my penis, which led Nancy to jokingly advise me (as we were leaving) not to stick it in too far. "Thanks for telling me how far to stick in my penis, Nancy," I replied. She'd been drinking blush and I'd had a couple snifters of brandy, a glass of wine, and two beers, so we were all in a jolly mood by that point.

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