Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


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Like my brownhouse:
   garlic like leeks
Wednesday, May 24 2017
This morning while Gretchen was again walking the dogs in the forest, I took another opportunity to salvage more of the thick steel sheet metal from the scrap of fuel tank removed from the Brewster Street house. I've taken so much metal at this point that amount remaining to take to the dump is greatly reduced, though I'll be curious if Gretchen even notices when the day comes to take it there.
That counted as part of my ongoing effort to straighten up the yard. Another chore I'd been procrastinating for many months but finally got around to doing was hauling a bunch of odd pieces of firewood from in front of the garage up to the vicinity of the woodshed, where it can eventually be processed, stacked up, and allowed to dry in preparation for eventual use.

We'd wanted things to be less of a cluttered disaster for our houseguest. This evening Andrea, one of Gretchen's close childhood friends, arrived from Durham, North Carolina, where she'd been living since visiting us since September. Andrea always travels by one-way ticket and leaves things in various places. In fact, some of her possession had been in our master guest room during her entire Durham absence. As she had before, Andrea set up with her Macbook on our kitchen table, continuing (I believe) with her various coursework she does in some virtual classroom. At some point Gretchen made pesto with a pasta the shape of trumpet mushrooms, and it was uncommonly delicious owing, I suspect, the the garlic she'd added to it. The garlic was unusual in that we hadn't harvested it last fall and it had begun a second season in the garlic patch. In this form it had the look and shape of leeks. So Gretchen cut them up like leeks, including some length of stem as well as the top of the white root-end (it didn't have an identifiable bulb). Though she didn't eat any pasta, Andrea joined us in our old-married-couple routine of watching Jeopardy, which we followed with an episode of United Shades of America, W. Kamau Bell's ongoing project on CNN. Tonight's episode featured Bell interviewing Richard Spencer, the cuddly (and increasingly mainstream) face of American white supremacy. Bell tried to get Spencer to invite him to the after party, which of course he didn't because, well, Bell is black. Photos from that after party showed everybody doing the Nazi salute because Hitler was, you know, so freakin' awesome.

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