Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
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dead malls
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got that wrong

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Backwoods Home
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(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   a Japanese restaurant for the morbidly obese
Friday, December 1 2017 [REDACTED]
Gretchen made a run to the dump this morning, which meant that I had help a little with the loading of the Subaru (from which I first had to remove a huge plastic tub of tools and repair supplies for our various rental properties). This always feels like an unpleasant chore at the time (particularly when Gretchen asks if "all those liquor bottles" came from me), but it's good to get rid of all that crap, particularly the trash that had been overflowing from my small vintage cowboy-themed laboratory trash can.
This evening I snuck out of work early and Gretchen and I arranged to meet Susan and David at that Indian/Thai restaurant on Albany Avenue (near La Florentina). We hadn't been there in years, but I didn't want to eat at The Garden in Woodstock and Susan and David didn't want to eat at La Florentina. But when we got to the Indian/Thai place, it was very much closed, as in no longer an ongoing concern. Gretchen then remembered a newish restaurant she'd recalled as being "Pan-Asian" further south on Albany Avenue (closer to Uptown). The restaurant was called Miso and it was Japanese, not Pan-Asian (the prominent use of "Fusion" on one of its signs had perhaps suggested Pan-Asianism. But no. Japanese is one of Gretchen's least-favorite cuisines, but she saw they had a noodle vegetable dish, so this place was looking like it would work. I was a little concerned about signage talking about "All you can eat." We don't eat at a lot of places that make this claim. Tonight there didn't appear to be much or anything that was being served "all you can eat," though I was alarmed by how grotesquely obese that a solid plurality of the other customers were.
Conversation lingered uncomfortably for a time on the topic of whether Donald Trump would precipitate World War III, which David seemed to be actively worried about. Then again, he was sure India and Pakistan would have a nuclear war back when the world didn't know a Trumpian United States was even a possibility. I agreed that Trump's dismantling of the State Department (the organ by which our nation works out international crises) is making the world a far more dangerous place. But I don't still don't see Kim Jong Un as a big enough player for a war with North Korea, terrible as it would be, to escalate into a world war.
As for the food, my avocado & fried tofu skin roll was so great I got another. And the rice noodle with vegetables, though it looked kind of boring (Where's the sauce? Why so few vegetables?) it was bursting with flavor in a way that the much more appetizing-looking ramen and udon bowls were not. We'd definitely go back there; even Gretchen is on board.

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