Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   peanut butter bone in the recuperation fort
Sunday, December 24 2017
I don't know how much time left Clarence the Cat has left on this earth. He's over 14 years old and recently suffered from something that altered his behavior and led to a bad skin rash on his head, neck, and paws. He's acting more normally these days (he still loves Neville's recuperation fort). But he looks like shit and hes shedding tufts of hair everywhere. I needed a few tangible gifts for Gretchen in addition to a Swatch that had to be re-ordered and wouldn't be arriving for a few days, so one obvious gift would be yet another painting of Clarence. I've painted him a few times now, though none of the paintings are in the tiny format Gretchen keeps on her desk, and I thought he should be in that collection. Here was the result:

The orginal.

The inevitable double-flip version.

In terms of process, I should mention that initially the black background in the top half of the painting was an orange-yellow, but it subsumed Clarence (who is a similar color) and runined the composition. Changing that to black turned it from a terrible painting into a pretty good one.

Before the arrival of Christmas, I needed provisions (mostly booze). At the time, Gretchen was working her shift at the bookstore in Woodstock. This meant I would have to leave Neville by himself in his recuperation fort, something we hadn't yet done during this particular recuperation. To keep him occupied, I took an old piece of cow bone (a section of femur or humerus that had been bandsawed to a length of about four inches) and stuffed it with peanut butter for Neville to somehow extract. He loves peanut butter, but the hole into which it was stuffed was small. So by the time he got it all out of there, Ramona and I were most of the way to Kingston (Id decided not to venture out to the Tibetan Center thrift store on such a manic shopping day).
Needing more tangible holiday gifts for Gretchen, I bought a six pack of Guinness "Irish Wheat" (because Gretchen likes Guinness and wheat beer, though not necessarily the two somehow together) and a litre of Skyy Vodka (because there is no real vodka in our house). Also (and mostly for me), I bought a number of staples from the Hannaford, mostly beans, soup, and Ithaca Flower Power IPA.

After yesterday's big caffeine breakfast, I abstained from the substance today entirely. [REDACTED]

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