Your leaking thatched hut during the restoration of a pre-Enlightenment state.


Hello, my name is Judas Gutenberg and this is my blaag (pronounced as you would the vomit noise "hyroop-bleuach").


decay & ruin
Biosphere II
dead malls
Irving housing

got that wrong

appropriate tech
Arduino μcontrollers
Backwoods Home
Fractal antenna

fun social media stuff

(nobody does!)

Like my brownhouse:
   technology advancements and how they impact our knee-recovery corrals
Saturday, December 23 2017
In an effort to make caffeine special again, I'd done without any since a single cup of Red Rose black tea on Wednesday morning. But today in this household was the ritual of Saturday morning coffee, and I fully intended to participate. Wow, coffee is a great drug when you haven't had any caffeine in a few days. It's a wonder it's still legal. We did most of our coffee drinking inside Neville's knee-recovery corral, and it wasn't just Neville and us humans who were there. Ramona was there, as were the cats Charles and Clarence. Clarence had been acting strangely before and immediately after our Napa trip, hiding out in unseen places and not materializing for days at a time. But since a positive experience socializing on Thursday night (when Ken from the seed library was visiting), he's been acting more normal. His head is still covered with scabs from some mystery skin condition, and his meows sound a bit labored. But he's back to being the Clarence we've known and loved for over 14 years now.
Meanwhile it was raining a cold December rain outdoors, and we tried taking Neville outside multiple times in hopes of getting him to piss and poop (and thereby keep that from happening on the bed in his corral). We know Neville hates rain, so I would typically hold an umbrella and Gretchen would hold his leash. But he kept not doing anything, and continued to not do anything until the middle of the night (tonight I was the one who slept in the corral with Neville, Ramona, Clarence, Charles, and occasionally Oscar).
Gretchen was the one who spent the most time in Neville's corral today, though she took a break in the evening to watch some teevee in the teevee room (to catch up on Jeopardy). During past canine knee recoveries we've run cables downstairs to provide teevee capabilities in the recovery corral. But the living room is a bit far away and technology has changed. It might be easier for Gretchen to restrict her teevee watching in the corral to stuff I've downloaded via Bittorrent. That way she can do it all on a laptop and I won't have to run any cable at all.


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